Greetings! Things around here may be a bit disjointed for a day or so as I change the name of Tiny Epic RPG to Swift Saga RPG. Let me know if links are broken, etc.
Tiny Epic RPG @ GMX
I will be running Tiny Epic RPG at next weekend, OCT 24-26! More details as I become aware of the schedule - but if all else fails, head to the Analog Gaming room and sign up!
Updated GM's Guide for Tiny Epic RPG
An updated version of Tiny Epic RPG's GM's Guide has been posted to A free download!
Back from Dragon*Con!
My pilgrimage to Geek Mardi Gras is always a highlight of the year. These days it’s something more - an opportunity to demo Tiny Epic RPG.
Updated Player's Guide for Tiny Epic RPG
An updated version of Tiny Epic RPG’s Player’s Guide has been posted to A free download!